Monday, September 30, 2013

Location! Location! Location!

Students are learning how to locate books in the Crockett Library.

 Kindergarteners worked on how books in the Everybody Section are put on the shelves in ABC order by the author’s last name.  Their challenge was to put a set of letters that each held in ABC order.

First graders did a great job of writing the first three letters of their last names on a pumpkin cut-out , and taping it to the part of the Everybody section shelves where a book they “authored” would be shelved.

Second graders were given Dewey numbers to find a book for check-out.  They learned about Melville Dewey and how books with similar themes are shelved together.        

Third and Fourth graders looked at the call numbers on the spine labels of books from the Dewey section, Biography section, Everybody section and different genres from the Fiction section.  They learned how to use the OPAC (online public access catalog) to search for books and to use the call numbers to locate a book.

Fifth and Sixth graders have had plenty of time to get familiar with the genres in the Fiction section so they were given a Genre Challenge test on paper.  This required them to read a description of a Fiction book and decide which genre they felt it would fit under.  Results:  many of them decided to check-out a book from a genre they had not tried before.

Sunday, September 15, 2013



Dot Art at Crockett

In preparation for International Dot Day, September 15th, students in grades K-6 listened to the story The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds.  Above are just a few of the wonderful, imaginative creations they produced as they "made their mark".  Everyone enjoyed the story, the projects and getting a dot treat at the end of their library time. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Crockett Library Orientation Week –

 September 3 - 6

We’re off to the start of library time at Crockett.

Here is how our lesson frames worked each day.

Students took home parent letters to tell them

about their visit and what is expected of them each

week.  These letters noted their library days so that

parents can help them remember to return books on

time.  All groups learned that RESPONSIBILITY is

the key to taking good care of their books so that

they and others can enjoy using them for a long time.

Kindergarten Lesson Frame

We will:

            Follow a straight line to learn how to sit on the dotted carpet

               Listen to the story “Excuse me, but that is my book” by Lauren Child

            Learn how to use a shelf marker to search for books in the library

            Learn how to find my library card and check out a book

I will:

            Follow the person in front of me to sit on the dotted carpet

            Use my listening skills during story time

            Practice using a shelf marker to find a book

            Find my library card and scan it and my book to check it out


First Grade Lesson Frame

We will:

            Review how to walk quietly into the library and sit on the dotted carpet

            Review how to use a shelf marker to find books

            Listen to the story “Bats at the Library” by Brian Lies

            Review finding their library cards to check out a book

I will:

            Walk quietly into the library and sit on the dotted carpet

            Use a shelf marker to find a book

            Use my best listening skills during the read aloud story

            Find my library card and check out my book


Second Grade Lesson Frame


We will:

            Learn where books are in the library that we can check out

            Review using a shelf marker to find a book

            Hear the story “Stella Louella’s Runaway Book” by Lisa Ernst

            Encourage all second graders to make one of their book choices a leveled book

I will:

            Look for books in my section of the library

            Get a shelf marker before I begin looking for a book

            Listen to the story “Stella Louella’s Runaway Book” by Lisa Ernst

            Choose at least one book from the leveled books section


Third Grade through Fifth Grade Lesson Frame


We will:

            Learn about the new genre divisions of the Fiction section

            Review getting a shelf marker before searching for books

            Be encouraged to vary genre choices with nonfiction choices

            Learn how to keep a tally of the genres chosen from the Fiction section

I will:

            Listen to learn about the new genre divisions of the Fiction section

            Get a shelf marker before searching for books

            Vary my choices when choosing books  

            Make a tally mark on the back of my library card for the genres I have chosen

Sixth Grade Lesson Frame


We will:

            Learn about the YA section that includes books and Playaways that 6th graders only may check out

            Learn that while listening to a Playaway they must also use the read along book         

            Review using a shelf marker while searching for books

            Learn how to help any new students search for books           

I will:

            Use the YA section if I choose to look for books or Playaways for 6th graders only

            Use my listening and reading skills together when I have checked out a Playaway

            Use a shelf marker while searching for books

            Help any new 6th graders learn how to use the library


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